dimanche 17 mars 2013

Et si chaque physicien faisait un voeu pour le premier boson de Higgs ?

Un quantum d'obstination (8) ...
... pour un quantum d'interaction (?)

C'est un secret pour personne : les physiciens ont bel et bien leur premier boson de Higgs
Tous les blogs scientifiques en ont parlé la semaine qui vient de s'écouler et le site internet du LHC le confirme : 
Aujourd’hui, les collaborations Atlas et CMS du LHC ont présenté de nouveaux résultats préliminaires précisant encore les propriétés de la nouvelle particule découverte en juillet 2012 et celle-ci ressemble de plus en plus au boson de Higgs tant recherché. Cette annonce a été faite lors des Rencontres de Moriond qui se déroulent actuellement à La Thuile en Italie. 
Une particule qui ressemble de plus en plus au boson de Higgs 14/03/13

Le blogueur amoureux de faits et de théories scientifiques est toujours pressé d'en (s)avoir plus 
Aussi pose-t-il des questions ou essaie de susciter des réactions en écrivant des commentaires sur d'autres blog :
So it seems now that we have found the first not composite (fundamental?) not pseudo (even parity) not spin half or one or two (scalar) boson of the standard model.
From a phenomenological point of view, low scale supersymmetry seems in danger. Ok, let's wait and listen to the Mother Nature Oracle in the near future (Susy in the sky with AMS-02 ?) 
Now a posteriori (from an "epistemological" point of view) could a "connoisseur" draw us a sane conclusion (not predicting the Apocalypse) about the fact that the vacuum stability constraint seemed to be the most efficient way to postdict the Higgs mass (as far as I understand it) ?
cb, commentaire sur le Blog Resonaances du billet When shall we call it Higgs? 27/02/13

The most boring version of the Higgs ? Come on, falks! Have a closer look on its mass ... Let's remember Jean Iliopoulos :
... and instead of looking for another job why not scanning other serious alternative theories not necessary incompatible with supersymmetry and going beyond the standard model (with non-commutative geometry for example)
cb, commentaire sur le Blog Resonaances du billet Higgs: what's new 16/11/12

Interroger la toile 
Si la réponse à la question posée ne vient pas dans les commentaires suivants du blog, elle est peut-être à chercher parmi ceux d'un autre blog ...
That the Higgs mass seems to sit exactly at the border of SM consistency is interesting, and reminds me of a similar phenomenon in another part of physics. In the 1940s Lars Onsager proved some inequalities that critical exponents must obey for consistency. Twenty years later people found that these inequalities were in fact identities, i.e. critical exponents are on the border of being inconsistent. The underlying reason for this is scale symmetry.
Extrapolating this observation to the SM, the fact that Higgs seems to be borderline inconsistent could indicate that some symmetry principle is at work ...
Thomas Larsson, commentaire sur le blog Not Even Wrong du billet Disappearing gammas 14/03/13

Questionner les étoiles e(s)t (ce) s'en remettre au Ciel ?
Parmi toutes les théories, il en est une plus chère que d'autres au coeur du blogueur, aussi  lui arrive-t-il de s'enhardir à interroger directement celles et ceux qui la construisent et l'ont imaginée. Voici par exemple un commentaire récemment proposé mais non diffusé par le blog Noncommutative geometry à propos du billet The music of spheres écrit par Alain Connes:
Cosmology is already spectral and quantum (I think Cosmic Microwave Background data and analysis are a good and strong enough phenomenological proof of this claim).
Now :
  • from the correct (first elementary scalar) Higgs boson mass postdiction by the resilient spectral standard model,  
  • and from the plausible existence of a second scalar field responsible for the neutrino Majorana masses (explaining their oscillations and small masses) that is a strong prediction of the same almost-commutative model, 
can we expect the emergence of a genuine almost-commutative phenomenology for astroparticles (and cosmology)? If the LHC is not supposed to discover any new elementary particle in its energy range our eyes need to look for more powerful accelerators somewhere in the Sky ... and we urgently need for the best ears to listen carefully to the spectral Music from the Cosmos.

Révéler son voeu lorsqu'il est (peut-être) en train de s'exhausser  
Le blogueur n'est pas un amoureux transi et il arrive que non seulement ses espoirs mais ses propos aussi trouvent un écho dans la réalité et une place sur la blogosphère :
Bravo M. Connes to pursue you and your collaborators and "followers" the patient and difficult "distillation" of the standard model in the alembic of non-commutative geometry while experimental physicists at LHC and over the seas accomplish their own meticulous "vendange" (harvesting) of facts about elementary particles. I hope the "récoltes" (harvest) of new theoretical results with an experimental validation linked to the first uncovered scalar field (the Higgs) will help improve our understanding of gravity on very large spatial and time scales ! Last but not least I wish to thank you for sharing with us some of your feelings (enthusiasm and doubt) as well as your ideas in blog, videos, seminars and conferences. They are indispensable and invaluable "semailles" (sowing) for the future of fundamental physics …
 cb, commentaire sur le Blog Noncommutative geometry du billet A dress for the beggar 14/08/12

Toi aussi ami lecteur de passage, fait ton voeu en commentaire ;-) /   You too, dear reader, make a wish (and don't hesitate to write it here as a comment) !

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Dear reader, the blogger hopes you have been interested by his post or have noticed something (ir)relevant, then if you are in the mood, do not hesitate to share with other internauts like me your enlightened opinion !