mercredi 8 juin 2016

Higgs times seven (minus one) / sept moins une fois le boson de Higgs

750 GeV = 6×125 GeV!

The first LHC data about pp collisions at √ s = 13 TeV agree with the Standard Model (SM), except for a hint of an excess in pp → γγ peaked at invariant mass around 750 GeV [1]. We denote the new resonance with the symbol {digamma}, used in archaic greek as the digamma letter and later as the number 6 ≈ Mz/Mh, but disappeared twice... unlike many other anomalies that disappeared, the γγ excess cannot be caused by a systematic issue, neither experimental nor theoretical. Theoretically, the SM background is dominated by tree-level q→ γγ scatterings, which cannot make a γγ resonance [See {below} for a attempt of finding a Standard Model interpretation.] Experimentally, one just needs to identify two photons and measure their energy and direction. The γγ excess is either the biggest statistical fluctuation since decades, or the main discovery.
(Submitted on 30 May 2016)

750 GeV scalar boson = (6 top quarks + 6 antitop quarks) bound state?
We shall here explore the possibility that the diphoton excess in the inclusive γγ spectrum, recently found by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations [1, 2], with a mass of 750 GeV can be a bound state of particles already present in the Standard Model, namely a bound state of 6 top + 6 antitop quarks. Thus we would need no new fundamental particles, interactions or free parameters beyond the Standard Model to explain this peak, which otherwise looks like “new physics”!  
For several years we have worked on the somewhat controversial idea [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] that the exchange of Higgses and gluons between 6 top and 6 antitop quarks provides sufficiently strong attraction between these quarks for a very light (compared to the mass of 12 top quarks) bound state S to be formed. The 6 tops + 6 antitops are all supposed to be in the 1s state in the atomic physics notation and, because of there being just 3 colors and 2 spin states for a top-quark, this is the maximum number allowed in the 1s shell. 
Further speculations around this bound state were mostly built up under the assumption of a hoped for new principle – the multiple point principle [9, 10, 11] – from which we actually predicted the mass of the Higgs boson long before it was found [12]. This principle says that there shall be several phases of space (i.e. several vacua) with the same energy density. One of these should have a condensate of the bound states S. It was even speculated then that such a condensate – or new vacuum – could form the interior of balls, containing highly compressed ordinary matter, which make up the dark matter [13, 14, 15]. Thus the discovery, if confirmed, of the bound state S could support a theory, in which dark matter could be incorporated into a pure Standard Model theory, only adding the multiple point principle, which predicts the values of coupling constants but otherwise without new physics.
(Submitted on 12 May 2016)

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